
My First Sled!

Wow! Mommy! Daddy! Santa gave me a Sled!

I wanna’ ride my Sled!

I got so many nice Toys for Christmas. Wow!

I like my Hammer and my Screwdriver.

I like my Piggy and my Cow and my Horsie and my Sheep, too.

I wanna’ ride my Sled, Daddy!
Not yet, Ryan. We have to eat first.

I’m done eating, Daddy. Let’s go Play with my New Sled.

Come on Daddy! Let’s go Outside and Play with my New Sled!

Oh boy, Daddy. We’re Outside in the Snow. Is Mommy coming?
No, Ryan. Mommy wants to stay inside where it is Warm.

I’m ready, Daddy.

Push me, Daddy! Push me!


Ohhh! Sledding is hard to do, Daddy.

Let’s go build a Snow Fort, Daddy.

OK. I built my Snow Fort, Daddy!

Let’s have a Snowball fight. Ready?



It’s OK, Daddy. I’m all better now. –That really Hurt!

It’s Pretty here.

I like Winter! I wish Mommy was here with us to see the Pretty Woods.

7 Responses to “My First Sled!”

  1. Hammie en Gea December 26, 2009 at 10:11 pm #

    Santa gave you beautiful presents Ryan! I love your sled. And I like your snowpictures very much, specialy the one with your footsteps in the snow! Here all the snow has gone because it started to rain…

  2. Buttons the Bear December 27, 2009 at 5:16 am #

    Looks like you had a great Christmas. Nice sled. I went outside today too, I will be posting about it probably on Monday. Bears seem to like to play in the snow.

  3. Marlowe December 27, 2009 at 5:18 am #

    I think that looks like a grand snow fort! Mom won’t let us play outside because it’s raining, snowing, and sleeting all at the same time around here!

  4. Gage The Bunny December 27, 2009 at 6:16 am #

    Hi Ryan!

    Wow! It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas and congratulations on your new sled!

    Looking forward to seeing more of your adventures! Have a very Happy New year!!!

    – Gage

  5. Jupiter Family December 30, 2009 at 8:50 am #

    Happy New Year !!!

    2010 New Year’s Fireworks show

  6. Christy in OH December 30, 2009 at 4:53 pm #

    what cool snow pics Ryan!! Love your reindeer pjs too. Hey your plate looked like our children’s too :0) They were so excited to get to Grammas. It’s amazing how the appetite suddenly reappears tho’ after a fun time outside!

  7. Teddy March 22, 2010 at 11:53 pm #

    I really like your sled! I wish I hev one but i don’t. But then in Ingland is meinly reiny so I don’t need sled but umbrella :)

    hev a neic dey.

    x x

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